NY-26: Powers raises $139,000 in 4th Quarter; Raised over $369,000 in 2007

NY-26 Democratic candidate Jon Powers issued a press release today outlining his fundraising figures from the 4th quarter of 2007 and his overall totals to date.

From an e-mailed press release:

Jon Powers, Iraq war veteran, former U.S. Army Captain and Democratic candidate for Congress in New York’s 26th congressional district announced today that his campaign raised over $369,000 in 2007, with $139,000 raised in the 4th quarter.  This brings his cash on hand to a healthy $261,000 heading into the election year.

“Traveling across western New York and listening to so many families and small business owners having to make great sacrifices to make ends meet each month, you can’t help but notice the deep insecurities that come with feeling left behind by leadership that puts special interests before working families,” Powers said.  “To see them rally to our campaign with their ideas, time, and hard-earned paychecks is such an honor.”

The campaign’s 4th quarter filing will reflect $139,323 from over 500 individual donors.

Online fundraising has gone exceptionally well, indicating the buzz surrounding Jon’s campaign is continuing.  68% of Jon’s total donations were received online, putting his campaign among the national leaders when it comes to online fundraising.

The campaigns’ grassroots efforts are being well received: 61% of donations were $50 and under, with 87% of contributions coming from individuals.

This building momentum speaks to Powers’ support in the district and shows that people are ready for a leader who will fight to change course in Iraq, fight for better paying jobs at home, and a brand of leadership that puts hardworking middle class families first instead of special interest groups.  This quarter,  Jon Powers has also received endorsements from Livingston, Genesee, and Orleans counties Democratic committees.

“If we’re going to see change in Washington that impacts the working families here at home, we need to change the people we send to Washington,” Powers said.  “I’m running for Congress to be a voice for families in western New York, finally putting their kitchen table concerns ahead of the special interests.”

That’s right. Powers raised $139,323 in the fourth quarter, for a total of over $369,000 raised in 2007. He also has over $261,000 cash on hand.  

Pretty impressive. I know the Powers campaign has been working very hard and Jon has worked very hard to raise money and to reach out to possible donors and current donors as well.

Jon has the momentum. In nine months, we hope to have Jon elected into Congress in New York’s 26th congressional district.

On the web:

Contribute to Jon Powers for Congress

Jon Powers for Congress

Club 26